Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Bio Solar

BioSolar Executives Attend industry main Battery energy conference; guide industry’s persevered focus on safety and increased overall performance
New possibilities Emerge for innovative Lithium Battery technologies within the US power market
Santa Clarita, CA- January 10, 2017 - BioSolar, Inc. (OTCQB:BSRC), a developer of leap forward power storage generation and materials, today referenced its recent attendance on the Annual Lithium Battery power conference, reinforcing the business enterprise’s emphasis on reaching no longer simplest breakthroughs in efficacy, however keeping safeguards and protocols that make sure business viability.
BioSolar CEO David Lee attended the November 2016 Annual Lithium Battery electricity convention in Bethesda, Maryland, in which leading enterprise engineers and researchers addressed a number topics spanning breakthroughs in novel battery chemistries, the development of excessive-capability cathodes/anodes, and system integration and applications for novel battery technology. Battery safety turned into also a first-rate recognition on the conference, as news about the Samsung’s cell battery explosions have significantly impacted views on lithium battery technology.
“As researchers keep to develop battery technologies, battery protection and multiplied overall performance have to maintain to tell their technique to improvement,” says Dr. Lee. “BioSolar’s management and technology team absolutely realizes the importance of each efficacy and safety,  additives we deem important to the future commercialization and success of our battery era.”
This month’sToday’s strength solutions magazine highlights BioSolar’s silicon-based anode battery generation for subsequent era lithium-ion batteries. BioSolar’s research and improvement focuses on improving both the anode and the cathode, two key additives of any battery generation. This strategy is consultant of the business enterprise’s view that for power storage to be practical and price efficient, it’s vital to address underlying battery chemistries. BioSolar is operating in the direction of commercialization of its technology with the purpose of increasing power ability, extending the existence cycle, and decreasing the value of lithium-ion batteries. 
This push closer to development and eventual commercialization of BioSolar battery era comes at a time whilst possibilities within the US energy marketplace are extensively expanding. As referenced in a current article published through Vox Media, the Federal strength Regulatory commission (FERC) proposed new guidelines permitting broader get right of entry to for corporations developing allotted electricity resources (DERs), which incorporates batteries, sun panels, smart strength-control software, to regional markets in which they could compete without delay with big power flora.
approximately BioSolar, Inc.
BioSolar is growing a leap forward technology to boom the garage capacity, decrease the fee and extend the life of lithium-ion batteries. A battery consists of two major elements, a cathode and an anode, that feature collectively because the positive and poor aspects. BioSolar initially targeted its development attempt on excessive capacity cathode materials because most of cutting-edge Li-ion batteries are "cathode constrained." With the goal of creating the company's subsequent era super battery era, BioSolar is presently investigating excessive capacity anode materials spotting the fact that the general battery ability is decided by means of combination of both cathode and anode. by integrating BioSolar's high ability cathode or anode, battery producers will be capable of create a wonderful lithium-ion battery that could double the range of a Tesla, energy an iPhone for two days immediately, or keep sunlight hours solar power for midnight use. based with the imaginative and prescient of developing leap forward power technology, BioSolar's previous successes encompass the sector's first UL approved bio-primarily based returned sheet for use in solar panels.
To study extra approximately BioSolar, please visit our internet site at http://www.biosolar.com.

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