Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

The Many Uses of Cow Dung

fuel and Biogas from Cow Manure
Dried cow dung is an superb gasoline. In some cultures dung from domestic cows or buffalo is mechanically collected and dried for gas, every so often after being combined with straw. pieces of dung are lit to offer warmth and a flame for cooking. Dried dung has lost its objectionable odour.
Even in North the us people are utilizing the electricity stored in cow dung, although this is typically achieved indirectly by using making a biogas from the dung. A biogas is a combination of gases produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic depend via micro organism. An "anaerobic" technique happens in the absence of oxygen. The organic rely this is digested can be animal dung, sewage, plant fabric or food waste.
A Biogas Digester
manufacturing and makes use of of a Biogas
the overall procedure for making an anaerobic digester for cow dung starts with putting dung and water in an airtight box. The container must be stored warm and left undisturbed in order that micro organism can do their paintings. The gasoline that is produced is withdrawn through a tube and saved.
once a biogas has fashioned, it may be reacted with oxygen to supply power. The gas may be used to cook dinner food, heat water in a boiler and update conventional gas in motor automobiles. in addition, the strength in a biogas can be used to produce energy.
Biogas constituted of cow dung commonly consists of methane, carbon dioxide and other components, along with hydrogen sulphide. for the reason that there may be a lot methane within the gas, it is crucial that it would not break out into the environment. Methane is a main greenhouse fuel and contributes to worldwide warming.
A Highland cow calf | supply
the usage of Cow Dung as a constructing material
A dust and cow dung paste is often applied to the floors of rural houses in India and can be applied to the walls as properly. The aggregate reportedly bureaucracy a water-resistant layer that allows to insulate the residence from heat access or loss and would not scent unsightly. A especially new system is to make building bricks from cow dung blended with straw dust. The bricks are lots lighter than conventional ones.
it's been suggested that the manure residue from biogas manufacturing could be used rather than sawdust to make fibreboard. The manure, which incorporates fibres, might be sterilized after which blended with resin to make the board. Fibreboard has many uses. it's used to fabricate furniture and flooring in homes, for instance.
The high fibre content material of cow dung also permits people to make paper from the dung. The dung is washed to extract the fibres, that could then be pressed into paper on a display screen. some human beings make cow dung paper as a interest. The paper can also be sold commercially.
Dung as an Insect Repellent and a Disinfectant
The smoke from burning cow dung has been found to repel insects, along with mosquitoes, main to the use of cow dung as a pesticide in some areas. ordinary as it could sound, in some cultures cow dung is implemented to partitions and floors as a disinfectant in addition to an insulator. There can be some fee on this apparently bizarre exercise, as the FAO quote proven under indicates. Unsterilized cow dung may additionally incorporate microbes that may infect human beings, although, so it's now not a good concept to unfold dung over a wound.
Cow dung and cow urine own complicated degrading substances and may possess antibacterial homes.
— FAO (food and Agriculture company of the United nations)
A mosquito feeding on human blood; the smoke from burning cow dung is stated to repel mosquitoes | source
makes use of of Cow Waste
Cow Manure as a Fertilizer
eliminating cow dung from fields is crucial because the dried pats reduce the grazing vicinity. similarly, the cow pats deliver off methane, which acts as a greenhouse gas within the ecosystem. Water runoff can carry some of the dung into rivers and other our bodies of water, polluting them with extra vitamins.
Many people are conscious that cow manure could make a terrific fertilizer and are reminded of this each time they skip a fertilized and odoriferous area. Cow manure is wealthy in minerals, specifically nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. it may support the boom of useful microorganisms while it is blended with soil. Manure can also improve the texture of the soil and assist it to preserve moisture. often, however, manure is too rich in positive chemicals and wishes to be diluted or left to sit within the soil for a while earlier than crops are planted.
gambling Cow Pie Bingo
Cow Pie video games
Cow Chip Throwing
yes, cow pies in reality are used as a source of entertainment! A cow chip throwing contest is just like it sounds. humans throw dried cow pats as a long way as they can. the person who throws their "chip" the farthest wins. Cow chip throwing is famous at some fairs.
Cow Pie Bingo
In cow pie bingo, chalk squares are drawn on an area of grass, that is cordoned off from its environment. each square is recognized with a variety of or letter. humans pay for a rectangular. One or greater cows are then led on to the grass. as the cows wander and graze, the spectators watch for a cow pie to be released (which offers a brand new meaning to the term "spectator game"). whilst a cow pie lands on a person's rectangular, that man or woman is the winner.
Cow Chip Throwing at a Sweetcorn competition
A Soutpansberg dung beetle (Scarabeus schulzeae) from South Africa | source
Dung Beetles
people are not the handiest ones to make use of cow dung. As their call indicates, the manure may be very vital in the existence of dung beetles. The dung of any herbivorous mammal will do for his or her purposes.
maximum dung beetles belong to the insect family known as the Scarabaeidae. They stay on each continent except Antarctica. a number of them have a brightly colored, metallic look and are appealing bugs.
Dung beetles are categorized as rollers, tunnellers or dwellers.
•    Rollers take a small piece of dung from a cow pat and form it right into a ball. They roll the ball away and bury it in the floor. The beetles use the ball as meals or as a place to put eggs.
•    Tunnellers dig a tunnel through the cow pat and into the soil beneath it, where they lay eggs. The dung that enters the tunnel is their food source.
•    Dwellers live inside the cow pat in a shallow pit. here they feed and lay eggs.
The beetles regularly play an critical function in their surroundings. They aerate and fertilize the soil and do away with cow pats from its floor. This clears the land and stops dung from being washed away by using rain to contaminant waterways. The nutrient-wealthy dung also offers good food for earthworms.
Beetles Competing for Dung at the Serengeti Plains
Dung beetles had been called scarabs by using historical Egyptians. They taken into consideration the beetle known nowadays as Scarabaeus sacer to be a sacred animal. Its habit of time and again rolling a ball faraway from dung reminded them of Khepri, a solar god. He become believed to roll the solar across the sky every day in a similar style.
Dung Beetles for Farmers
Pilobolus: An Enterprising Fungus
Pilobolus is a fungus that grows on herbivorous dung, along with the dung of cows. Like other fungi, Pilobolus can not make its personal food and need to soak up vitamins from its surroundings. It does this by means of secreting digestive enzymes into manure and then absorbing the products of the digestion. Pilobolus, different fungi, a few micro organism and some animals are decay organisms. They slowly break down and take away cow pats.
Pilobolus cristillinus developing on dung | source
Pilobolus Spores
Fungal life Cycle
Pilobolus is famous for its technique of dispensing its spores. Cows eat the spores as they are grazing on grass. The spores have a hard coat and skip through the cow's digestive tract unhurt. They depart the digestive tract inside the cow's feces. The spores then germinate, producing the fungal body, or mycelium, within the cow pat.
The mycelium in the end produces new spores. At this point a trouble arises. Cows keep away from eating their very own dung, so how are the fungal spores going to get into another cow's digestive tract to complete their existence cycle? the solution is to "shoot" the spores beyond the cow pat and directly to the encircling grass.
The Dung Cannon
The spores of Pilobolus are positioned in a sac known as a sporangium. that is borne on the pinnacle of a stalk projecting past the surface of the cow pat. beneath the stalk's tip is a mild-touchy location that detects daylight and reasons the stalk to bend toward the mild. the top of the stalk becomes swollen with liquid and subsequently bursts, capturing the sporangium into the air and past the "quarter of repugnance" around a cow pat. The sporangium can move as speedy as 35 toes a 2d, attain a height of 6 feet and journey as a long way as eight toes away. Pilobolus is likewise called the hat-throwing fungus and the dung cannon because of its interesting behaviour.
Pilobolus Spore production and launch (accelerated)
safety Precautions for coping with Dung
if you need to experiment with cow dung, understand that the raw material may additionally contain pathogens (microorganisms which could motive ailment). Gloves ought to be worn or arms should be washed thoroughly after coping with dung of any kind. if you're tempted to make your very own mini anaerobic digester, as some human beings do, ensure which you observe the meeting instructions carefully. The pressure of a fuel in a restrained area which include a digester can be very risky. in addition, the methane in a biogas is flammable. With those precautions in thoughts, although, cow dung may be a tremendous useful resource.

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